Hire Us

Secure Communication
If you need to communicate any sensitive data with us please send an encrypted message via Signal Messenger to our business number: 940-366-2444

Hourly Rate
The hourly rate for utilizing our McCue Consulting Staff is $200.00 per hour, billed in 30 minute increments. There is a 1 hour minimum purchase for new customers. This rate applies Monday through Friday 9:30am until 5:30pm Eastern time. Any work performed outside of normal business hours or on holidays will be billed at a higher rate.

Due to the nature of the work that we perform, there is no warranty on hourly work. Each hour that we work is billable regardless of the outcome of the work. While we will make recommendations on the level of effort required to implement a solution or fix an issue, it is up to you to let us know if there is a cap on the number of hours we can bill for.

Job Quotes
If you would prefer to have a job estimate or quote provided, we can provide a quote for the job and will remain within the confines of the quote unless changes are mutually agreed upon.